Leonhard Euler

4/151707 - 9/18/1783

Was a pioneering Swiss mathematician and physicist. He made important discoveries in fields as diverse as infinitesimal calculus and graph theory. He also introduced much of the modern mathematical terminology and notation, particularly for mathematical analysis, such as the notion of a mathematical function. He is also renowned for his work in mechanics, fluid dynamics, optics, astronomy, and music theory.

Isaac Newton

12/25/1642 - 03/1726

Was an English physicist and mathematician (described in his own day as a "natural philosopher") who is widely recognised as one of the most influential scientists of all time and as a key figure in the scientific revolution. His book PhilosophiƦ Naturalis Principia Mathematica ("Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy"), first published in 1687, laid the foundations for classical mechanics. Newton made seminal contributions to optics, and he shares credit with Gottfried Leibniz for the development of calculus.


Speed of light in vacuum in m/s

c0 = 2.99792458E8 m/s

Speed of light in vacuum in cm/s

c0_cm = 2.99792458e10 cm/s

Boltzman Constant

kB = 1.380658E-23 J /K

Elementary charge

e = 1.602176462E-19 C

Elementary charge over h

eh = 2.417989348E14 AJ-1

Electron mass

me = 9.10938188E-31 kg

Plank constant

h = 6.62606957E-34 J s

Reduced Plank constant

h_bar = 1.054571726E-34 J s

Planck constant in eV s

heVs = 4.135667516E-15 eV s

Magnetic constant

u0 = 1.2566370614E-6 N A-2

Electric constant

e0 = 8.8541878176E-12 F m-1

Newtonian constant of gravitation

G = 6.67384E-11 m3 kg-1 s-2

characteristic impedance of vacuum

Z0 = 376.730313461 Ohm

Newtonian constant of gravitation over h-bar c

Gh_barc = 6.70837E-39 (GeV/c2)-2

Plank length

lP = 1.616199E-35 m

Plank mass

mP = 2.17651E-8 kg

Plank mass energy equivalent in GeV

mPc2 = 1.220932E19 GeV

Plank temperature

TP = 1.416833E32 K

Plank time

tP = 5.39106E-44 s

Bohr magneton

muB = 9.27400968E-24 JT-1

Bohr magneton in eV/T

muBeVT = 5.7883818066E-5 eVT-1

Bohr magneton in 1/mT

muBhc = 46.6864498 m-1T-1

Bohr magneton in K/T

muBk = 0.67171388 KT-1

Conductance quantum

G0 = 7.7480917346E-5 S

Inverse of conductance quantum

G0i = 12906.4037217 Ohm

Josephson constant

KJ = 483597.870E9 HzV-1

Magnetic flux quantum

F0 = 2.067833758E-15 Wb

Nuclear magneton

muN = 5.05078353E-27 JT-1

Nuclear magneton in 1/mT

muNhc = 2.542623527E-2 m-1T-1

Nuclear magneton in K/T

muNk = 3.6582682E-4 KT-1

Nuclear magneton in MHz/T

muNh = 7.62259357 MHzT-1

von Klitzing constant

RK = 25812.8074434 Ohm


Bohr radius

a0 = 0.52917721092E-10 m

classical electron radius, re

re = 2.8179403267E-15 m

Compton wavelength, λC

lambda_C = 2.4263102389E-12 m

Compton wavelength over 2 pi, λC

lambda_C_2Pi = 386.15926800E-15 m

Avogardo number

Na = 6.02214E23 1/mol

alpha particle mass, mα

malpha = 6.64465675E-27 kg

alpha particle mass energy equivalent, mαc2

m_a_c2 = 5.97191967E-10 J

alpha particle mass energy equivalent in MeV, mαc2

m_a_c2_MeV = 3727.379240 MeV

alpha particle mass in u, mα

malpha_u = 4.001506179125 u

alpha particle molar mass, Mα

Malpha = 4.001506179125E-3 kg mol-1

alpha particle-electron mass ratio, mα / me

ma_me = 7294.2995361

alpha particle-proton mass ratio, mα / mp

ma_mp = 3.97259968933

deuteron-proton mass ratio, md / mp

md_mp = 1.99900750097

electron charge to mass quotient, -e / me

e_me = -1.758820088E11 C kg-1

electron g factor, ge

g_e = -2.00231930436153

electron gyromagnetic ratio, ϒe

gamma_e = 1.760859708E11 s-1 T-1

electron gyromagnetic ratio over 2 pi, ϒe / 2π

gamma_e_2pi = 28024.95266 MHz T-1

electron magnetic moment, μe

mu_e = -928.476430E-26 J T-1

electron magnetic moment anomaly, ae

a_e = 1.15965218076E-3

electron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio, μe / μB

mu_e_mu_B = -1.00115965218076

electron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio, μe / μN

mu_e_mu_N = -1838.28197090

electron-deuteron magnetic moment ratio, μe / μd

mu_e_mu_d = -2143.923498

electron-deuteron mass ratio, me / md

me_md = 2.7244371095E-4

electron-helion mass ratio, me / mh

me_mh = 1.8195430761E-4

electron-muon magnetic moment ratio, μe / μμ

mu_e_mu_mu = 206.7669896

electron-muon mass ratio, me / mμ

me_mmu = 4.83633166E-3

electron-neutron magnetic moment ratio, μe / μn

mu_e_mu_n = 960.92050

electron-neutron mass ratio, me / mn

me_mn = 5.4386734461E-4

electron-proton magnetic moment ratio, μe / μp

mu_e_mu_p = -658.2106848

electron-proton mass ratio, me / mp

me_mp = 5.4461702178E-4

Fermi coupling constant, GF / (ħc)3

GF = 1.166364E-5 GeV-2

fine-structure constant, α

alpha = 7.2973525698E-3

Atomic mass unit, u

au_mass = 1.6605388E-27 kg


deuteron g factor, gd

g_d = 0.8574382308

deuteron magnetic moment, μd

mu_d = 0.433073489E-26 J T-1

deuteron magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio, μd / μB

mu_d_mu_B = 0.4669754556E-3

deuteron magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio, μd / μN

mu_d_mu_N = 0.8574382308

deuteron mass, md

m_d = 3.34358348E-27 kg

deuteron mass energy equivalent, mdc2

m_d_c2 = 3.00506297E-10 J

deuteron mass energy equivalent in MeV, mdc2

m_d_c2_MeV = 1875.612859 MeV

deuteron mass in u, md

m_d_u = 2.013553212712 u

deuteron molar mass, Md

M_d = 2.013553212712E-3 kg mol-1

deuteron rms charge radius, rd

r_d = 2.1424E-15 m

deuteron-electron magnetic moment ratio, μd / μe

mu_d_mu_e = -4.664345537E-4

deuteron-electron mass ratio, md / me

m_d_m_e = 3670.4829652

deuteron-neutron magnetic moment ratio, μd / μn

mu_d_mu_e = -0.44820652

deuteron-proton magnetic moment ratio, μd / μp

mu_d_mu_p = 0.3070122070

electron-tau mass ratio, me / mτ

me_mtau = 2.87592E-4

electron-triton mass ratio, me / mt

me_mt = 1.8192000653E-4

helion g factor, gh

g_h = -4.255250613

helion magnetic moment, μh

mu_h = -1.074617486E-26 J T-1

helion magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio, μh / μB

mu_h_mu_B = -1.158740958E-3

helion magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio, μh / μN

mu_h_mu_N = -2.127625306

helion mass, mh

mh = 5.00641234E-27 kg

helion mass energy equivalent, mhc2

m_h_c2 = 4.49953902E-10 J

helion mass energy equivalent in MeV, mhc2

m_h_c2_MeV = 2808.391482 MeV

helion mass in u, mh

mh_u = 3.0149322468 u

helion molar mass, Mh

Mh = 3.0149322468E-3 kg mol-1

helion-electron mass ratio, mh / me

mh_me = 5495.8852754

helion-proton mass ratio, mh / mp

mh_mp = 2.9931526707

muon Compton wavelength, λC,μ

lambda_Cmu = 11.73444103E-15 m

muon g factor, gμ

g_mu = -2.0023318418

muon magnetic moment, μμ

mu_mu = -4.49044807E-26 J T-1

muon magnetic moment anomaly, aμ

a_mu = 1.16592091E-3

muon magnetic moment to Bohr magneton ratio, μμ / μB

mu_mu_mu_B = -4.84197044E-3

muon magnetic moment to nuclear magneton ratio, μμ / μN

mu_mu_mu_N = -8.89059697

muon mass, mμ

m_mu = 1.883531475E-28 kg

muon mass in u, mμ

m_mu_u = 0.1134289267 u

muon molar mass, Mμ

M_mu = 0.1134289267E-3 kg mol-1



Pi = 3.141592654

the base e of natural logarithms

enl = 2.71828182845904523536

Euler's constant γ

Egam = 0.57721566490153286060

StieltjesGamma(1) γ1

Sgam1 = -0.07281584548367672

StieltjesGamma(2) γ2

Sgam2 = -0.009690363192872318

StieltjesGamma(3) γ3

Sgam3 = 0.002053834420303346

StieltjesGamma(4) γ4

Sgam4 = 0.002325370065467300

StieltjesGamma(5) γ5

Sgam5 = 0.0007933238173010627

StieltjesGamma(6) γ6

Sgam6 = -0.0002387693454301996

StieltjesGamma(7) γ7

Sgam7 = -0.0005272895670577510

StieltjesGamma(8) γ8

Sgam8 = -0.0003521233538030395

StieltjesGamma(9) γ9

Sgam9 = -0.00003439477441808805

Golden ratio

gr = 1.61803398875

Champernowne number C, base-10

Cb10 = 0.1234567891011121

Champernowne number C, base-2

Cb2 = 0.8622401258680546

Champernowne number C, base-16

Cb16 = 0.07111111111111111

i to the i power, exp(-π/2)

i2i = 0.207879576351

Catalan's constant G

Gc = 0.915965594177219

Khinchin's constant K

Kh = 2.685452001065306

Glaisher's constant A

A = 1.2824271291

Bernoulli number B0

B0 = 1.0

Bernoulli number B1

B1 = -0.5

Bernoulli number B2

B2 = 0.1666666666666667

Bernoulli number B4

B4 = -0.03333333333333333

Bernoulli number B6

B6 = 0.02380952380952381

Bernoulli number B8

B8 = -0.03333333333333333

Bernoulli number B10

B10 = 0.07575757575757576

Pythagoras' Constant, √2

Py = 1.414213562373095

Constant of Theodorus, √3

Th = 1.732050807568877

Apery's Constant Z(3)

Z3 = 1.202056903159594

Delian constant, 21/3

De = 1.259921049894873

Artin's constant

Ar = 0.373955813619202

Merten's constant M1

Mr = 0.261497212847643

Ramanujan-Soldner constant

Rs = 1.451369234883381

Feigenbaum constant, Fa

Fa = -2.50290787509589

Feigenbaum constant, Fd

Fd = 4.669201609102991

Brun's constant

Br = 1.90216058311

Prevost's constant

Pr = 3.359885666243177

Grossman's constant

Gr = 0.73733830336929

Copeland-Erdos number

CEn = 0.23571113171923